Showing posts with label drama. Show all posts
Showing posts with label drama. Show all posts

Thursday, February 12, 2015


I don't like movies that are about sicknesses. I guess it's because I don't want to relate. It's never a nice to leave a theatre feeling like sh*t.

"Still Alice"

Although, Still Alice was nothing like that. It really is a rare pearl. You feel sad and depressed as the film goes along, yet come out of the movies with a smirk on your face.

Alice -played by Julianne Moore-, is an incredibly intelligent University Professor diagnoised with Alzheimer's disease. It's the sickness with no cure that eats your brain, destroying everything you have worked for in life and leaves you with the shell of your body.

The movie portrays how a big family goes through such difficult, stressful and mentally harsh process of loosing a loved one. Maybe how this is different from all same type of movies is that, they can't share your sadness nor comfort you.

Julianne Moore completely slayed the role she was given. An unquestionable Oscar Win is coming her wayShe portrayed Alice so perfectly and so realistically that I felt uncomfortable. I was starting to get anxious that I could get Alzheimer's disease (and I'm 22). That is how well she played the character. 

Not only Julianne, but everyone did a great job. Alec Baldwin as his husband, and even Kristen Steward. I was NOT a fan of her but she probably showcased her best performance to date.

After you leave the cinema, you'll agree with me. Absurdly good acting. 



Thursday, January 22, 2015

Rushing or Dragging

I think at one point in our lives, we all tried playing an instrument or two. 
I was playing the piano and guitar. 
I loved playing the piano but was kinda pushed into playing the guitar cause my older brother was. I played for years, but like any other teenager (or most), I got sick of it and boycotted it and just continued with my vocal classes. Alone. By myself. Cause no one would listen to me. 
(No hard feeling mom and dad, I turned out great.)


Last week my dad had a minor eye surgery, and as his biological daughter, I went over to take care of him and help him out. Little did I know, he already had the evening planned to watch the -recently announced Oscar nominee- Whiplash
Luckily I was already super eager to watch it.

Andrew, first year music student in one of the best music conservatory, gets picked to play the drums in the schools best jazz band. The band is led by the most recognized teacher who uses fear as the key to push his students to success.

An example of how much you have to work and sacrifice to get what you want. Nothing comes easy and nothing is forever. Whiplash is proof for hard work paying off. Purely, you only have to stay sane and not over do it.

Miles Teller as Andrew has this unique facial features that is so comforting and sincere. It seems like acting comes so easy to him, so subtle but perfect. J. K. Simmons also performed an acting of a life time. Nomination for the -Best Supporting Actor- will for sure scare the crap out of his competitors.

The movie is basically between the two actors. Written and Directed by Damien Chazelle, a 30 years old.

"There are no two words in English Language more harmful than 


P.S Go follow the blogs Instagram Account:

Friday, October 24, 2014

Food vs Food


If we didn't have taste buds, and were only eating to survive, would it still count as living?

My love for food has been my best friend and my worst enemy. Food has that affect. If something tastes amazing, go ahead and enjoy. But if you enjoy it too much, the scale will probably not be on your side. 
(let's be real)

2 weeks ago I went to Barcelona to visit my friends. And with all the luck I have, it was raining. On the other hand, it was the perfect weather to go to the movies. After an intense Trailer watching on Youtube, we found the one.

"The Hundred-Foot Journey"

The story is about an Indian Family -The Kadams- moving in a small town in Southern France to open a restaurant. Because that wasn't hard enough for them, they have to suffer from their Michelin Starred Neighbor. The story continues with Kadam family's chef, Hassan's incredible cooking journey and the never ending dialog between the rivalry neighbors. 

Oscar-winner Helen Mirren with her exquisite acting along side Om Puri. Most of the actors/ actresses to me are not known. Maybe because its most of theirs first American Movie. Considering they're French and Indian.

Originally a book written by Richard C. Morais, it was executed beautifully.

Directed by the great Swedish Lasse Hallström. Produced by Steven Spielberg and Oprah Winfrey !!!!

Excuse me but if this isn't good enough to watch it, I don't know what is.

Go see it with your family, go see it with your friend, go see it with your partner. It addresses to everyone.



Tuesday, June 17, 2014


I don't think it's nice to go through other peoples belongings, unless you find something very good.


I was in my brothers room the other day, going through his PS3 games to give it to my cousin. While I was at it, I also went through his DVD's (sorryyyy). I found this DVD with a bright color which caught my attention.
It was sitting in my room for a while, until me and my friend decided to have a movie night.

It's a Canadian film from the French side, Quebec. It's a story of a family, with 5 sons.Yes, 5 kids PLUS all of them are boys and all have very different characteristics.
The story is narrated by one of the boys, Zac. The 4th child, and a huge admiration to his father. Only when the father sees Zac (when he was 4-5 years old) wearing his mothers cloths and playing with his younger brother that their relationship goes downfall. A hero figure must have a normal kid.

C.R.A.Z.Y. takes place in the 60's and 70's, when the music was AH-mazing, and homophobia was at it's peak.

Not only it is hard living in a house with high testesteron levels, it is incredible difficult accepting your true self, and your true desires. 

The execution of love in the movie is best described as; beautiful and mad. 
2 hours of an emotional rollercoaster. Perfectly directed (and co-written) by Jean-Marc Vallée.



Thursday, June 12, 2014

Salut Mikael!

I love French. Anything French is good and you know it.
French Fries, French History, French Fashion, French Kiss, French Art, French Movies, ...


I changed 3 schools and 1 country between 1st and 12th grades. Which was crazy.
 First time was when I finished 4th grade. I think it was the hardest since I was pretty young, and my life was all about my friends.
I was feeling very scared, thinking how in the world was I going to fit in with the kids in the new school? Thanks to my delirious self, that never was a problem, I jumped right in.

Although Laure approached a different way. 
After her family moved to a different neighborhood, she had the entire summer to hang out with the kids from the area, and start the new year in a new school with them. 
The story begins when she introduces herself as a boy, Mikael.

Dressing like a boy, acting like a boy, looking like a boy is so much easier when you're 10 years old. 
Being the new kid, spending the entire summer with "his" buddies, playing and laughing around also brings some attention from the girls of the block.

woof! Look at those eyes!

It's not only hard pretending, but knowing your lie will be out once the school starts.

Great movie written and directed by Céline Sciamma. Loving her name (hihihi).

A must see;



Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Wait, What's Going On?

It's been too long since I typed anything. This is weird. Pre-warning for the typo's that might appear.
I think it's understandable since I graduated! Entire summer without doing anything, but I think I deserved it.

I lied when I said I didn't do anything all summer. I was on holidays. Went to a lot of places, met a lot of people and enjoyed myself by the beach. That might also explain why I didn't post anything, because I didn't have time to sit in front of a computer for more then 30 minutes.


One weekend, I went to my friend's summer house in Alacati, Izmir, Turkey. Too much going on there, and that causes no sleep. So one afternoon, when we woke up, we felt like staying home to recover a little bit. We raided my friends room and decided to watch a movie. 

Trance is about an art auctioneer getting involved in the theft of a painting with a group of criminals. But when he can't remember where the painting is, they decide to take him to a hypnotherapist. That's when things get confusing. I loved the movie so much because, the first half an hour, I had no idea what was going on. The movie evolved and transformed into a whole new thing that made sense at the very end. 

Danny Boyle directed it, and nailed it. James McAvoy, Rosario Dawson and Vincent Cassel are playing. Interesting selection of cast, but all did a great job.

Watch it! Watch it! Watch it! 



Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Love, Love, Love

I'm going to Istanbul for the weekend! 
I've missed my family so much, it will be a great break from all the studying. Mostly what I'll do is; sit back, relax, eat and go to a wedding!

"Across the Universe"

I'm actually going for the purpose of my friends wedding. He'll be the first person among my friends to get married, so it makes this wedding three times more exciting. I'll be dancing like crazy to celebrate the night and probably will cry the next day because my feet will be sore.

I've choose this movie because we are all about the love this week. I wanted to at least share some of that love with you! 

I am a HUGE fan of "The Beatles" and have almost all their songs on my ITunes. In 2008, I was in a small city called Winnipeg in Canada for a month as an exchange student. There I've met a lot of cool, different people. One day we went to a DVD store to check it out and I came across with this movie. When my friends realized I haven't seen it, they made me buy it and watch it. ASAP. I thank them so much for that. A great storyline of the movie with amazingly covered Beatles songs. All night after watching the movie, I was singing the songs. All night long. I feel horrible for my roommates at that time.

A love story between a rich American girl and a poor British boy. You might say it's too typical, but it really isn't. There aren't any crazy parents trying to stop them falling in love. Movie shows how beautiful love is and all the different ways to show your passion. Starring the handsome Jim Sturgess and also Evan Rachel Wood.

Everyone should have this in their movie collection and the soundtracks on their ITunes!


Saturday, June 30, 2012

Kings of the TV

My first review on Television Shows!

A little update on my busy life; I finished my internship! I had a great one that lasted for a month, and now its time to chillax. Next week I'll be attending a wedding in Madrid, and who knows, maybe I'll even upload a picture of me and my friends for the first time on my blog!

Television Shows. Unfortunately, in our time, it is VERY difficult to find a good one worth spending your time on. You should be happy you found out about this blog, because I have an amazing one that I discovered this year. I hope most of you are already a fan.

"Game of Thrones"

A T.V. series that is based on a book. How grateful I an that they didn't make a movie out of it, but a series. Why? Because this way it lasts longer and I can enjoy it more and more each time! 

It takes place in the Medieval times.How fabulous. Kingdoms, lords, ladies, swords, wine, warriors and their suspiciously good looking hairs. It is a British production so everyone is obviously British. Which makes it even better, because the British accent just makes everything seem more realistic. According to me, the series' about noblety. Families fighting for the throne!

he is so big!

If you haven't heard about it, WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN LIVING? And if did, but haven't seen it, now it is your chance! Each episode is like a movie, around 50 minutes. But I assure you, you'd wish them to be even longer.



Sunday, June 10, 2012

Oh Kevin...NO!

Summer Lovin'!
So, I'm still in Barcelona, but no, not working on that tan. I'm actually working in a company as an intern.  It's going great! I think thats a good enough excuse for not have been keeping up with my posts, but I am back now and will update as often as I can!

"We Need to Talk About Kevin"

Amazing movie and amazing acting! Honestly, Tilda Swinton, she is incredible! She always appeared a little odd to me, until now. For a while, I was sure she was an Oscar nominee. I don't even think the judges saw the movie. Can't wait to see more acting of her. Ezra Miller -Kevin- was unbelievable. Someone to play such role like that needs a pure talent. And he has got it! 

The movie is OBVIOUSLY about Kevin. He is an odd kid that always had a difficult connection with his mother. He always does strange things, but the last thing he does was never ever crossed anyones mind. A dark and twisted movie. It's creepily superb.

I watched it with my mother, and in the end we had different opinions by the mothers behaviour. If you have already seen it, what did you think about it? If you haven't seen it, watch it and leave your comments in the comment section!

"He is just a sweet little boy."

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

How to Live Your Life

I'm super excited about this post.
Last night, a cute cute friend invited me and another friend over for a dinner + movie night. After having a healthy meal, we sat on her cozy couch to watch a french movie. I love international movies, but last night, I just did not feel like reading all these subtitles! But let me tell you, it was worth 100 times. 

" Intouchables"

It is already in my top 10 favorites. I felt so many emotions while watching it, its ridiculous. Of course I loved it because it was also based on a true story, and as I mentioned before, I have a thing for those kind of films.
It is about a black man from the ghettos of Paris applying for a job just to get welfare payments. The job he applies is for care-taking of a neck-to-toe paralyzed man. The movie starts when he gets hired and how he changes both their life by not pitying Phillipe ( paralyzed man) and helping him to live his life.

It's a comedy- drama, just how I like it. I laughed so much watching it, I cried. And of course I also cried because how touching it was ( hahaha like always!).
I don't care what you have to do, but find a way to watch it! It is still in the theaters in some countries. If not, download it, buy it, rent it or do something else, but WATCH IT. It is beautiful.

And here is a picture of the real people that the movie is based on! 

Abdel Sellou & Philippe Pozzo di Borgo 

Enjoy and let me know how you like it!


Thursday, April 26, 2012

How far would you go?

Past 2 days were literally crazy. 
Two very important games; Barca vs. Chelsea on tuesday and R. Madrid vs. Bayern Munich on wednesday!
I never mentioned you my love towards Barca.. I am LOCA about it! Since I moved to Spain, I became a huge fan, and a hooligan in some occasions.

"Green Street Hooligans"

Perfect timing to suggest a great movie. On tuesday, I actually went to Camp Nou ( Barca's stadium for those who don't know) to watch the game. When I was on my way there, I saw the Chelsea fans loading their bodies with beer. British people are the pro's of being a hooligan. And this movie is exactly about that.
While watching it, I laughed, cried ( yes, I cried, AGAIN), got super nervous, excited. Experienced all emotions!

It begins with a Harvard student getting expelled and moving to England to live with his sister. That's when he discovers "football" and the great supporters.
It's not a happy movie when the teams always win and the fans are only cheering. But it's about how far they go. You'll see that football is not just a sport you watch to enjoy, but a community that collides people together and creates a rather odd brotherhood.

in my heart, he'll always be FRODO
Let's see if you're a hooligan or not! You'll know after you watch it.


Monday, April 23, 2012

NOT just another Prison Movie

I know I've been very bad with the posts. Since I am back in Barcelona, I had so much things going on; work,work and work ( don't be surprise, I do study!).
I am a girl that enjoys very girly stuffs. Getting a manicure, dress shopping, make-up, colourful things AND crime movies. I don't know if this applies to everyone but for me,  LOVE IT!  I can actually watch one I love couple times a week when I discover it. And this movie is one of them.


The movie starts with a man murdering a intruder that entered his house. But what law says, you can only kill if the man is in your house, and UNfortunately he kills the man in the front lawn. Thats how the movie starts. He goes to jail and tries to not get in trouble so he can get out of there ASAP. But, once you're in, you gotta survive.

Whose side are you on?

Don't forget to check out the trailer!!

Hope you'll like it as much as I did. And please tell me some movies for me to review!


Saturday, April 7, 2012

All for Fun?

I'm back in Istanbul!
It's Easter, so I have 2 weeks off. The best way to celebrate it by going back home.
Yesterday, I met with a friend whom I've known for almost 14 years! So happy that we managed to keep in touch for this long. So, with her, I went to the movies.

" The Hunger Games"

OH MY GOD. I hoped the movie had no ending. It's a pretty long movie, 142 minutes. I assure you, you will not want the movie to end. Why? Because the action level is so high, you just want to keep getting excited. At least thats what happened to me. There of course very great actors such; Stanley Tucci, Elizabeth Banks and even Lenny Kravitz!

I do not want to tell more about the movie because I really don't want to be a spoiler. So do me a favor, AND GO TO THE THEATER TO WATCH IT. Action movies are not the same when you watch it at home.

Hope you'll enjoy it and please keep me updated with your feedbacks!


Thursday, March 29, 2012

Gotta Love Him

Summer is (almost) here.
I love the warm weather, I mean, I missed it. So sick of wearing layers and layers of clothing and I think it  is time to take out the summer dresses!
I am sure everyone is in a great mood, so it's my duty ( it's not but I like to do it) to recommend a fun, entertaining movie.

"I love You Phillip Morris"
It would be enough to say Jim Carrey is in it. It's based on a true story which is INCREDIBLE and you'll know what I mean once you see it! Jim Carrey, who plays a homosexual man, falls in love with another man who is also gay in prison. I will skip the part how he gets in there because it's more fun when you watch it. I'd say this a comedy but it's also romantic and sometimes dramatic. Im sorry to say this but this guy is brilliant and he trolls EVERYONE!


Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Laugh or Cry?

Buenos Dias!
I've been watching so many depressing movies lately, I needed a cheer up! I thought it was the time to give you suggestions on not-so-depressing movies.


I LOVED the movie. You see a performance you would not expect from the actors. Seth Cohen ( From Superbad as you all know), and Joseph Gordon-Levitt ( 500 Days of Summer) are showing an amazing act. 

It's based on a true story which makes you feel more for them. It's about a young man getting diagnosed with cancer and how he & his friends handle it. When I say cancer, I know you get question marks on your head. How can this be a happy movie? It can be, because the movie shows how positive thinking and how people around you influences!

I did cry a lot in this movie but again, I cry a lot in the movies lately ( haha I'm very chessy).

Check out the Trailer!!

Please, please, please, PLEASE watch this movie. I enjoyed it a lot and I assure you will too.

Be Cool.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Open your Eyes!

So, This week I'm struggling with my midterms! But during the weekend, to take a break, me and my friends went to the movies!

" Red Lights"

I had no idea about the plot of the movie when I went to watch. I just sat down and started to dig into my popcorn( sweet & salty DELICIOUS). Just a pre-warning, don't let the first scene get to you. I honestly thought it was a scary movie from the first 5 minutes of the movie but THANK GOD it was clear afterwards and did not end up being a horror.

It is about a psychology professor studying paranormal activities and at the end, investigating a very famous psychic ( De Niro). Also, the way it was directed was incredible. With all the cuts and and the angle of filming. ( A little chipmunk wanted me to mention this in my blog. She's a great supporter.)

Since the director/ screenplay writer is Spanish ( Rodrigo Cortes), some scenes of the movie was filmed in Barcelona! You can't really recognize it in the movie but my friend( hola Karla! ) worked in the hotel as an intern when Robert De Niro was staying there to film. 

She is the sister of the twins; Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen! 

To sum up, I don't know if I LOVED it, but it was an interesting movie and helped me to sleep better at night. You'll know what I mean after you watch it! 
