I think at one point in our lives, we all tried playing an instrument or two.
I was playing the piano and guitar.
I loved playing the piano but was kinda pushed into playing the guitar cause my older brother was. I played for years, but like any other teenager (or most), I got sick of it and boycotted it and just continued with my vocal classes. Alone. By myself. Cause no one would listen to me.
(No hard feeling mom and dad, I turned out great.)
Last week my dad had a minor eye surgery, and as his biological daughter, I went over to take care of him and help him out. Little did I know, he already had the evening planned to watch the -recently announced Oscar nominee- Whiplash.
Luckily I was already super eager to watch it.
Andrew, first year music student in one of the best music conservatory, gets picked to play the drums in the schools best jazz band. The band is led by the most recognized teacher who uses fear as the key to push his students to success.
An example of how much you have to work and sacrifice to get what you want. Nothing comes easy and nothing is forever. Whiplash is proof for hard work paying off. Purely, you only have to stay sane and not over do it.
Miles Teller as Andrew has this unique facial features that is so comforting and sincere. It seems like acting comes so easy to him, so subtle but perfect. J. K. Simmons also performed an acting of a life time. Nomination for the -Best Supporting Actor- will for sure scare the crap out of his competitors.
The movie is basically between the two actors. Written and Directed by Damien Chazelle, a 30 years old.
"There are no two words in English Language more harmful than