Showing posts with label kit harington. Show all posts
Showing posts with label kit harington. Show all posts

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Kings of the TV

My first review on Television Shows!

A little update on my busy life; I finished my internship! I had a great one that lasted for a month, and now its time to chillax. Next week I'll be attending a wedding in Madrid, and who knows, maybe I'll even upload a picture of me and my friends for the first time on my blog!

Television Shows. Unfortunately, in our time, it is VERY difficult to find a good one worth spending your time on. You should be happy you found out about this blog, because I have an amazing one that I discovered this year. I hope most of you are already a fan.

"Game of Thrones"

A T.V. series that is based on a book. How grateful I an that they didn't make a movie out of it, but a series. Why? Because this way it lasts longer and I can enjoy it more and more each time! 

It takes place in the Medieval times.How fabulous. Kingdoms, lords, ladies, swords, wine, warriors and their suspiciously good looking hairs. It is a British production so everyone is obviously British. Which makes it even better, because the British accent just makes everything seem more realistic. According to me, the series' about noblety. Families fighting for the throne!

he is so big!

If you haven't heard about it, WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN LIVING? And if did, but haven't seen it, now it is your chance! Each episode is like a movie, around 50 minutes. But I assure you, you'd wish them to be even longer.

