Showing posts with label lenny kravitz. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lenny kravitz. Show all posts

Saturday, April 7, 2012

All for Fun?

I'm back in Istanbul!
It's Easter, so I have 2 weeks off. The best way to celebrate it by going back home.
Yesterday, I met with a friend whom I've known for almost 14 years! So happy that we managed to keep in touch for this long. So, with her, I went to the movies.

" The Hunger Games"

OH MY GOD. I hoped the movie had no ending. It's a pretty long movie, 142 minutes. I assure you, you will not want the movie to end. Why? Because the action level is so high, you just want to keep getting excited. At least thats what happened to me. There of course very great actors such; Stanley Tucci, Elizabeth Banks and even Lenny Kravitz!

I do not want to tell more about the movie because I really don't want to be a spoiler. So do me a favor, AND GO TO THE THEATER TO WATCH IT. Action movies are not the same when you watch it at home.

Hope you'll enjoy it and please keep me updated with your feedbacks!
