Showing posts with label the awkward monster. Show all posts
Showing posts with label the awkward monster. Show all posts

Friday, June 6, 2014

Challenge Accepted?


Woooowww, what a busy year ( it's been 10 friggin months since my last post, kill me) I had. Full of hatred from you guys I am assuming.
I graduated, presented my awesome thesis, moved back to Istanbul, started working and all. So now I'm a grown-up, better start acting like one also.

BUT, I promprom I will write more often. And I keep my promproms.

"Saam Gaang Yi" / "Three...Extremes"

Okay, here we go.
I don't remember how I heard about the "Three...Extremes", but I still carry the effect it had on me. The names is literal, its made up of Three different, EXTREME movies. Three different directors from Three different Asian Countries; Hong Kong, Korea and Japan. 

"Dumplings" , "Cut" , "Box"

Honestly, as I mentioned many times on my older posts, I can't watch horror movies. But "Dumpling" was one of these things that it tortures you, yet you can stop staring at it. It was directed by Fruit Chan.

 Mrs. Li -a thirthysomething- is a former actress with a womenizer husband. One day, she goes to visit Aunt Mei, who makes the most expensive dumplings in Hong Kong which has rejuvenating powers. She digs in it although she knows about the unpleasant main ingredient.
I get nauseous just remembering about it.

"Cut" and "Box" I have to be honest about. I did not watch them. I did NOT accept the challenge. Even though it has been couple of years since I watched Bumpling, I always had this on the back of my mind;

"If this is the first one out of three, I don't think I can continue on."

Looks delish, right?

Let's see if you will complete the challenge and watch all three of them. 

Here is a little taste of it;

I'm sorry this is the movie I choose to do my come back with, but it had to be legendary.



Thursday, February 28, 2013

Ain't No Crime

I've been away for so long, the senior year in University is pushing me pretty hard and it has been keeping me very busy. Though I am returning for good because at the end, this blog helps me to have fun :) 
Forgive me? 

"Sound of Noise"

I've seen this movie while my brother was visiting me here in Barcelona. He's also very interested in movies and recommended this one. Thank god he did. It was a while since I watched a movie that I laughed and loved a lot. 

The movie is Swedish. Another reason why it's so funny. I love their bold sense of humor, though not everyone appreciates them. Sound of Noise is about a "anarchic" performer band and their crazy plans and shows around the city. It shows that you can make music from anything, anywhere and anytime (I'm NOT suggesting you to do what they're doing, because I don't want anyone to get in trouble!). Written and directed by Ola Simonsson and Johannes Stjarne Nilsson. Enjoyment is guaranteed!

my favorite scene!

The actors are pretty known in Sweden, but first time I see a movie that they're in. Most of the people in the crew are comedians and some even musicians. 

Don't mind the title of the Youtube video, it says 2012 but actually the movie is from 2010. It was the only one with english subtitle, so I had to put this one!


Saturday, June 30, 2012

Kings of the TV

My first review on Television Shows!

A little update on my busy life; I finished my internship! I had a great one that lasted for a month, and now its time to chillax. Next week I'll be attending a wedding in Madrid, and who knows, maybe I'll even upload a picture of me and my friends for the first time on my blog!

Television Shows. Unfortunately, in our time, it is VERY difficult to find a good one worth spending your time on. You should be happy you found out about this blog, because I have an amazing one that I discovered this year. I hope most of you are already a fan.

"Game of Thrones"

A T.V. series that is based on a book. How grateful I an that they didn't make a movie out of it, but a series. Why? Because this way it lasts longer and I can enjoy it more and more each time! 

It takes place in the Medieval times.How fabulous. Kingdoms, lords, ladies, swords, wine, warriors and their suspiciously good looking hairs. It is a British production so everyone is obviously British. Which makes it even better, because the British accent just makes everything seem more realistic. According to me, the series' about noblety. Families fighting for the throne!

he is so big!

If you haven't heard about it, WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN LIVING? And if did, but haven't seen it, now it is your chance! Each episode is like a movie, around 50 minutes. But I assure you, you'd wish them to be even longer.



Monday, May 14, 2012

Anything for Music

Don't hate me! I have an excuse for my long absence.
I had my finals and of course I was stuck at home with my Redbull's and trashy food. But since I am done, I am BACK! Hurray!
I have a great movie suggestion for y'all, and I'm pretty sure you have not heard about it.

"For Love or Country: The Arturo Sandoval Story"

I have seen this a while ago on T.V in Turkey. I don't think you have seen it, because, it was a TV movie. It never aired in the theaters! Such a bummer because I really enjoyed watching it. I have a passion for movies that are based on true stories. I really get into it and get influenced by it. 

Arturo Sandoval is a trumpet player from Cuba. It shows his great love for jazz and his family. The movie is up until they defect to the U.S. Given the fact that Andy Garcia is also from Cuba, makes it all more real. I think that is a great reason he really fitted in the role.

Arturo Sandoval himself & Andy Garcia

Just a pre-warning, the trailer seems very cheesy. What did you expect? Its a HBO film, they like to make it look like that. But I hope by now I got your trust in my taste, and you will like it.

Hope you will enjoy it!


Thursday, May 3, 2012

I'm Everywhere!

I have good news for you guys! I thought the only people that checked my blog was my parents, but apparently not! I am getting clicks from all over the world and that made me super happy! I just wanted to thank y'all!

Since you guys are liking my posts and my taste in movies, I decided to open a Facebook page. I'll be sharing more interesting things there so give me a chance a check it out!

Enjoy it and don't forget to like it!


Thursday, March 29, 2012

Gotta Love Him

Summer is (almost) here.
I love the warm weather, I mean, I missed it. So sick of wearing layers and layers of clothing and I think it  is time to take out the summer dresses!
I am sure everyone is in a great mood, so it's my duty ( it's not but I like to do it) to recommend a fun, entertaining movie.

"I love You Phillip Morris"
It would be enough to say Jim Carrey is in it. It's based on a true story which is INCREDIBLE and you'll know what I mean once you see it! Jim Carrey, who plays a homosexual man, falls in love with another man who is also gay in prison. I will skip the part how he gets in there because it's more fun when you watch it. I'd say this a comedy but it's also romantic and sometimes dramatic. Im sorry to say this but this guy is brilliant and he trolls EVERYONE!


Wednesday, March 14, 2012

The Magical Paris

How Beautiful is Paris?
The brasseries, fashionable people on the streets, the lux life...
I love it! And apparently Woody Allen loves it as well. I really do NOT like Woody's movies or his acting or his style, but I think he did well in this one!

" Midnight in Paris "

On a tuesday night, my chipmunkcita called to invite me to have a movie night at her house! Who can say no to that. We chopped some carrots, some diet chips and drank suger-free icetea; perfect girly night. I actually really wanted to see the movie because from what I've heard, you either love it or hate it. So I just had to watch it to put an end to that discussion.

The movie is about a couple going to Paris and what Gil ( Owen Wilson) discovers at the midnight. It was a light movie that you can watch it without any worries, laugh and enjoy. I don't think I would like to watch it again, but I think it's worth giving a shot!

Carla Bruni!!!

I'd say  go see it because it's very interesting and it might put a smile on your face!!
Update me with your feedbacks!
