Saturday, June 30, 2012

Kings of the TV

My first review on Television Shows!

A little update on my busy life; I finished my internship! I had a great one that lasted for a month, and now its time to chillax. Next week I'll be attending a wedding in Madrid, and who knows, maybe I'll even upload a picture of me and my friends for the first time on my blog!

Television Shows. Unfortunately, in our time, it is VERY difficult to find a good one worth spending your time on. You should be happy you found out about this blog, because I have an amazing one that I discovered this year. I hope most of you are already a fan.

"Game of Thrones"

A T.V. series that is based on a book. How grateful I an that they didn't make a movie out of it, but a series. Why? Because this way it lasts longer and I can enjoy it more and more each time! 

It takes place in the Medieval times.How fabulous. Kingdoms, lords, ladies, swords, wine, warriors and their suspiciously good looking hairs. It is a British production so everyone is obviously British. Which makes it even better, because the British accent just makes everything seem more realistic. According to me, the series' about noblety. Families fighting for the throne!

he is so big!

If you haven't heard about it, WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN LIVING? And if did, but haven't seen it, now it is your chance! Each episode is like a movie, around 50 minutes. But I assure you, you'd wish them to be even longer.



Saturday, June 16, 2012

The Glorious 60's

Sometimes I ask myself; how would it be if I lived in the 60's?
Probably nothing crazy would happen. BUT, if i was in UK... I would not be responsable for my acts.

"Pirate Radio"


"The Boat That Rocked"

If I had to describe this movie in one sentence, that would be; Great acting meets great music. In my opinion, 60's changed the revolution of music. Added a whole new dimension to it! 

Rock n roll, for me, evolved in the UK. I know it was found in The States, but still! The Beatles, Teddy Boy, The Kinks, The Rolling Stones, Freddie and the Dreamers, The Who and many many more amazing bands are from United Kingdom.

So why am I talking about music in a movie blog? Because this movie is all about it! It's about a pirate radio station in the middle of the sea, on a boat, forecasting rock n roll music. In those days, it was considered as bad influence on people, so they banned it. Can you believe it? Niether can I. We see only one American here, Phillip Seymour Hoffman. Everyone else is British, since its a movie from Britain. I'm positive you'll know the actors once you see them, but if I tell you their names now, you probably won't recognize.

Reminds you of a famous album cover? I hope so! 

Your laughter is guaranteed. And also singing along. I hope you'll enjoy it as much as I did. Let me know what you thought about it and which song was your favorite!


Sunday, June 10, 2012

Oh Kevin...NO!

Summer Lovin'!
So, I'm still in Barcelona, but no, not working on that tan. I'm actually working in a company as an intern.  It's going great! I think thats a good enough excuse for not have been keeping up with my posts, but I am back now and will update as often as I can!

"We Need to Talk About Kevin"

Amazing movie and amazing acting! Honestly, Tilda Swinton, she is incredible! She always appeared a little odd to me, until now. For a while, I was sure she was an Oscar nominee. I don't even think the judges saw the movie. Can't wait to see more acting of her. Ezra Miller -Kevin- was unbelievable. Someone to play such role like that needs a pure talent. And he has got it! 

The movie is OBVIOUSLY about Kevin. He is an odd kid that always had a difficult connection with his mother. He always does strange things, but the last thing he does was never ever crossed anyones mind. A dark and twisted movie. It's creepily superb.

I watched it with my mother, and in the end we had different opinions by the mothers behaviour. If you have already seen it, what did you think about it? If you haven't seen it, watch it and leave your comments in the comment section!

"He is just a sweet little boy."

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

How to Live Your Life

I'm super excited about this post.
Last night, a cute cute friend invited me and another friend over for a dinner + movie night. After having a healthy meal, we sat on her cozy couch to watch a french movie. I love international movies, but last night, I just did not feel like reading all these subtitles! But let me tell you, it was worth 100 times. 

" Intouchables"

It is already in my top 10 favorites. I felt so many emotions while watching it, its ridiculous. Of course I loved it because it was also based on a true story, and as I mentioned before, I have a thing for those kind of films.
It is about a black man from the ghettos of Paris applying for a job just to get welfare payments. The job he applies is for care-taking of a neck-to-toe paralyzed man. The movie starts when he gets hired and how he changes both their life by not pitying Phillipe ( paralyzed man) and helping him to live his life.

It's a comedy- drama, just how I like it. I laughed so much watching it, I cried. And of course I also cried because how touching it was ( hahaha like always!).
I don't care what you have to do, but find a way to watch it! It is still in the theaters in some countries. If not, download it, buy it, rent it or do something else, but WATCH IT. It is beautiful.

And here is a picture of the real people that the movie is based on! 

Abdel Sellou & Philippe Pozzo di Borgo 

Enjoy and let me know how you like it!


Monday, May 14, 2012

Anything for Music

Don't hate me! I have an excuse for my long absence.
I had my finals and of course I was stuck at home with my Redbull's and trashy food. But since I am done, I am BACK! Hurray!
I have a great movie suggestion for y'all, and I'm pretty sure you have not heard about it.

"For Love or Country: The Arturo Sandoval Story"

I have seen this a while ago on T.V in Turkey. I don't think you have seen it, because, it was a TV movie. It never aired in the theaters! Such a bummer because I really enjoyed watching it. I have a passion for movies that are based on true stories. I really get into it and get influenced by it. 

Arturo Sandoval is a trumpet player from Cuba. It shows his great love for jazz and his family. The movie is up until they defect to the U.S. Given the fact that Andy Garcia is also from Cuba, makes it all more real. I think that is a great reason he really fitted in the role.

Arturo Sandoval himself & Andy Garcia

Just a pre-warning, the trailer seems very cheesy. What did you expect? Its a HBO film, they like to make it look like that. But I hope by now I got your trust in my taste, and you will like it.

Hope you will enjoy it!
