Tuesday, June 17, 2014


I don't think it's nice to go through other peoples belongings, unless you find something very good.


I was in my brothers room the other day, going through his PS3 games to give it to my cousin. While I was at it, I also went through his DVD's (sorryyyy). I found this DVD with a bright color which caught my attention.
It was sitting in my room for a while, until me and my friend decided to have a movie night.

It's a Canadian film from the French side, Quebec. It's a story of a family, with 5 sons.Yes, 5 kids PLUS all of them are boys and all have very different characteristics.
The story is narrated by one of the boys, Zac. The 4th child, and a huge admiration to his father. Only when the father sees Zac (when he was 4-5 years old) wearing his mothers cloths and playing with his younger brother that their relationship goes downfall. A hero figure must have a normal kid.

C.R.A.Z.Y. takes place in the 60's and 70's, when the music was AH-mazing, and homophobia was at it's peak.

Not only it is hard living in a house with high testesteron levels, it is incredible difficult accepting your true self, and your true desires. 

The execution of love in the movie is best described as; beautiful and mad. 
2 hours of an emotional rollercoaster. Perfectly directed (and co-written) by Jean-Marc Vallée.



Thursday, June 12, 2014

Salut Mikael!

I love French. Anything French is good and you know it.
French Fries, French History, French Fashion, French Kiss, French Art, French Movies, ...


I changed 3 schools and 1 country between 1st and 12th grades. Which was crazy.
 First time was when I finished 4th grade. I think it was the hardest since I was pretty young, and my life was all about my friends.
I was feeling very scared, thinking how in the world was I going to fit in with the kids in the new school? Thanks to my delirious self, that never was a problem, I jumped right in.

Although Laure approached a different way. 
After her family moved to a different neighborhood, she had the entire summer to hang out with the kids from the area, and start the new year in a new school with them. 
The story begins when she introduces herself as a boy, Mikael.

Dressing like a boy, acting like a boy, looking like a boy is so much easier when you're 10 years old. 
Being the new kid, spending the entire summer with "his" buddies, playing and laughing around also brings some attention from the girls of the block.

woof! Look at those eyes!

It's not only hard pretending, but knowing your lie will be out once the school starts.

Great movie written and directed by Céline Sciamma. Loving her name (hihihi).

A must see;



Friday, June 6, 2014

Challenge Accepted?


Woooowww, what a busy year ( it's been 10 friggin months since my last post, kill me) I had. Full of hatred from you guys I am assuming.
I graduated, presented my awesome thesis, moved back to Istanbul, started working and all. So now I'm a grown-up, better start acting like one also.

BUT, I promprom I will write more often. And I keep my promproms.

"Saam Gaang Yi" / "Three...Extremes"

Okay, here we go.
I don't remember how I heard about the "Three...Extremes", but I still carry the effect it had on me. The names is literal, its made up of Three different, EXTREME movies. Three different directors from Three different Asian Countries; Hong Kong, Korea and Japan. 

"Dumplings" , "Cut" , "Box"

Honestly, as I mentioned many times on my older posts, I can't watch horror movies. But "Dumpling" was one of these things that it tortures you, yet you can stop staring at it. It was directed by Fruit Chan.

 Mrs. Li -a thirthysomething- is a former actress with a womenizer husband. One day, she goes to visit Aunt Mei, who makes the most expensive dumplings in Hong Kong which has rejuvenating powers. She digs in it although she knows about the unpleasant main ingredient.
I get nauseous just remembering about it.

"Cut" and "Box" I have to be honest about. I did not watch them. I did NOT accept the challenge. Even though it has been couple of years since I watched Bumpling, I always had this on the back of my mind;

"If this is the first one out of three, I don't think I can continue on."

Looks delish, right?

Let's see if you will complete the challenge and watch all three of them. 

Here is a little taste of it;

I'm sorry this is the movie I choose to do my come back with, but it had to be legendary.

